Vinyl Hoarding Banners

Vinyl banners produce a photo-quality print result which makes them the ideal medium for timber hoardings on small or large development sites.

Scrim Banners

70% density Scrim banners are the perfect cost-effective signage solution for construction sites of any size that need protection & visibility.

Construction Fence Scrim

Construction scrim enables you to put your brand front and centre. Cost-effective, suitable for windy areas and durable for short to mid-term projects, construction scrim is some of our most popular signage for long fencing runs.

Fencing Scrim

In addition to being economical, fencing scrim will effectively advertise your brand or project.

Building Wraps

The grandest of them all.

Anti-gawk Screens

Anti-gawk screens are ideal coverings for construction zones. The primary benefits of anti-gawk screens are two-fold: ensuring a private work area and promoting your brand and project to passersby.

Aluminium Composite Panels Signage

Aluminium Composite Panels are a hard-core substrate made from aluminium composite and are ideal for permanent installations.

Election Signs

Election signs can be printed on corflute or eco board to create low-cost and high-quality signage.

City of Sydney Vinyl Hoarding Banners

Specialising in creating signage for construction sites across City of Sydney, Mesh Direct is accustomed to working within the Creative Hoarding Guidelines.

Site Signage

Comply with Australian building regulations & meet all your temporary and permanent site signage needs.