Hymix Banksmeadow Signage

  • Date31 August 2022
  • Reading time 4 mins read

The Project

Mesh Direct was approached by Hymix to be part of a project at a site in Banksmeadow, Sydney. This was their newest premier site and included a new factory with silos, so we were very excited to be involved. The site is on indigenous land and Hymix wanted to bring this to life, along with their green credentials throughout the signage artwork. They also wanted to ensure it was an area people could enjoy and young people could engage with the space.

The Challenge

There were several challenges we faced on this project. The first challenge was the silos that needed covering, as they would reach temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees and potentially even hotter during the summer months. This is a considerably hot surface, which we needed to take into account when considering materials. The second challenge was the walls at the site which needed covering. Unfortunately, we were unable to get the permission required to attach signage to them, meaning we needed to build fencing in front of them. There was a children’s playground at one area of the site that this was particularly important for. Lastly, we were working in an area of high graffiti. This was also a consideration when choosing materials to ensure the signage wouldn’t be damaged.

The Product

Due to the complex nature of this project, we spent some time planning which signage solutions would be most suitable. And we had just the solution. We landed on using almost every substrate from our range. For the silos, we used a high-temperature rated Self-Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) which was able to withstand well above the anticipated temperature. Our SAV has extremely high adhesive and is designed to withstand all weather and extreme conditions. We were confident that that was going to be the right solution.

Hymix Silo Signage 1
Hymix Silo Signage – Featuring custom Aboriginal designs

About the artwork: A custom Aboriginal design, portraying Hanson at the centre of its community with the outer dots representing the people and community in which they work. The outer organic design represents the elements and processes needed in the production of the building materials. The concentric circles with travelling tracks represent the communities across the nation that Hanson works with, the lands they work on and the journey they walk together in providing jobs for the community, cultural sensitivity and understanding of the services they provide to the broader Australian economy.

Hymix approached a company called MGM Australia who works with both indigenous artists and indigenous youths within the area to create this piece. We are so proud to have worked on such an incredible job in partnership with them.

We opted to use Laminated Aluminium Composite board for the area surrounding the children’s playground. This product has a great surface for vivid high-quality printing. It also provides longevity thanks to the robust nature of the substrate. In addition, we installed a couple of blank ACM boards so the kids could paint and draw on them whilst playing. This was a great solution to the initial brief for creating an engaging area.

Hymix laminated aluminium composite board

Finally, due to being an area prone to graffiti, we also opted to use a graffiti-proof heavy-duty vinyl for the large areas where the client wanted to display information. This product allows graffiti to easily be wiped away.

The Result

This project tested us in many ways, but the results speak for themselves. Hymix were extremely pleased with the top quality results that were produced. We utilised several substrates from our range to create an interactive and attractive space that can be enjoyed.


We are looking forward to more projects similar to this one in the near future.

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