Hickory Mesh Banner

  • Date27 May 2022
  • Reading time 3 mins read

Hickory is one of Australia’s leading construction firms with over 25 years of building experience. They’re thought leaders in the construction space, just like Mesh Direct in the signage space. A strong partnership between Hickory and Mesh Direct felt natural the first time we met with Hickory, both sharing a purpose of delivering exceptional value to clients built upon sustainable and progressive solutions. 

Together with Time & Place, Hickory acquired an 8089sqm site in Alexandria, 4km south of Sydney’s CBD. In March 2022, Mesh Direct were engaged by Hickory to supply a signage solution for the site, which upon completion will be a premium, contemporary office precinct.

The Challenge

The tight deadline to get signage approved and installed was the first challenge we faced. Slick branding with a premium look and feel meant we needed to consider the product we were using carefully and provide a solution that would match Hickory’s higher-end aesthetic. 

Secondly, the hoarding was about 200m long, meaning the solution we did opt for would be on the larger end of the spectrum. Its placement faced a busy thoroughfare, so installation needed to be done with care and high attention to detail. Fortunately, safety and precision are what we pride ourselves on! 

Together, the size and placement of the signage were key in getting the job done right, as there was a significant opportunity for great reach. With Judith Neilson’s White Rabbit Gallery and popular hospitality spots Mecca and The Grounds of Alexandria minutes away, we predict thousands would pass by the site every day.

The Product 

The signage originally proposed for the site was vinyl hoarding, a product offering photo-quality printing for timber hoardings on small or large development sites. Vinyl hoarding is also extremely durable, another reason it was originally proposed. However, after further discussion and finetuning of Hickory’s requirements, we decided to opt for a mesh banner which was also a well-suited solution for this site. Often used on scaffolding, temporary fences, buildings and construction sites, a mesh banner is a fantastic and cost-effective way to display a brand outdoors.

The decision was made to use a mesh banner for its print efficiency and ease of installation. With a looming deadline and a better understanding of where we needed to prioritise our time, mesh banner signage was the best option for Hickory. As the artwork design was relatively straightforward, we could print and install it quickly. There was also a little issue with the transparency of the mesh banner, as the hoarding was solid. This solidness meant we still achieve a premium looking product for Hickory, quickly and affordably.

The Result 

The response from Hickory on this project was nothing but positive with Marketing & Digital Media Manager Ema Grima on behalf of Hickory stating the business was “very happy with the product and easy direct service.” These are two of our strengths at Mesh Direct, and we were thrilled to be able to deliver on this project even with such a small timeframe. To learn more about our signage solutions, and find the right one for you, contact our friendly team here. 

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