
Have you seen the Anzac tribute banner in Martin Place?

  • Date13 May 2015
  • Reading time 2 mins read

Mesh Direct was recently approached by Abacus Property Group prior to the delicate restoration of a heritage sandstone building in Martin Place. We were chosen for this project based on of our depth of experience in grand format printing. We also have the benefit of a world class house design team and for installations an abseil installation crew..

The brief for this project was to comply with the new policy and guidelines enforcing beautiful hoardings and scaffolding within the City of Sydney.
Mesh Direct worked with the client, the builder and Sydney City Council to achieve this magnificent tribute. The Premiers Department and archival pictures were approved by the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

Mesh Direct used a premium mesh substrate to cover the scaffold, with alloy poles at 3 metre intervals which were attached to the back. The banner was secured with rated cable ties (110kg) and rated straps top and bottom (750kg Strain ). A 15 cm half cut conduit (also known as a ‘plumbers’ pipe) was used on the corners to stop the banner from ripping.

Installation provide difficult with Sydney experiencing the worst storm in 30 years. To install safely the wind speed needs to be under 20 km/hr. A break in the weather appeared on Thursday (just prior to Anzac Day Saturday) and a team of five installers, including professional abseilers, began the installation process. In order to comply with OH&S regulations, an RTA permit was set in place and part of Sydney’s busiest streets, Pitt Street, was partly closed. Installation was completed within 11 hours in total. The following day 100 km/hr winds were recorded and the banner sign did not move!!

This banner is available for viewing until the end of July 2015.

A special thank you to RMWATSON , ABACUS PROPERTY GROUP and Sydney City Council.

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