
Do You Need Anti-Graffiti Treatment For Your Mesh Banner?

  • Date03 January 2018
  • Reading time 2 mins read

One of the unfortunate realities of utilising on-site signage solutions is that they can be exposed to the actions of passing vandals. It’s not uncommon, particularly in development areas to find graffiti sprayed across people’s temporary fence signage. While it’s incredibly unfair that our property gets damaged thanks to the selfish motives of others, measures can be taken to combat vandalism.

Graffiti vandals use a wide variety of pens, spray cans and other implements, all of which can be used directly onto mesh or solid vinyl substrates. The cost of graffiti removal can quickly run into thousands of dollars, if possible at all. To remove the graffiti you need to use a solvent which will most likely remove the ink your banner is printed with.

So when you’re purchasing a banner, you might want to think about taking precautionary steps to limit your risks of the costly effects of vandalism.

Here at Mesh Direct, we offer an Anti-Graffiti Coating, only the best graffiti protection provided by Adcoat Graphic Solutions. Adcoat Tuffcoat anti-graffiti coating is available in two variations which differ between levels of graffiti protection. Both are applied to signage after printing by a special liquid coating machine.

The anti-graffiti coating comes in both gloss and matt finishes. Not only does Adcoat Tuffcoat offer the ability to easily clean graffiti off printed banners but it creates an outstanding finish making images and text jump off the substrate.

Paying a little extra for the extra coating could potentially save you hundreds of dollars in cleaning costs, or replacement banners.

Nothing looks tackier than graffiti sprayed across a brand new development site or a business’ branding, so why not ask about our anti-graffiti treatment for your mesh banner?

Give us a call on 1300 368 978 and talk to one of our experts today.

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